An introduction to The Welding Academy

An introduction to The Welding Academy

The Welding Academy offers an introduction to their business as well as their aims and objectives. “Our mission is to provide access to top welding training and development for beginners through to intermediate welders in the UK. Our purpose as a welding training...
An update from Nicol Hughes Foodservice

An update from Nicol Hughes Foodservice

Nicol Hughes Foodservice recently added two new 3.5t, three new 4.5t and three new 6.5t vehicles to their flexible delivery fleet. These latest additions will play an important role in maintaining their outstanding  7 day delivery service. Nicol Hughes Foodservice is...
Fun4All is back open and welcoming customers

Fun4All is back open and welcoming customers

After a long 5 months closed, Fun4All were finally able to reopen their doors in August! This is something the whole team were very excited about. They spent a lot of time thinking of ways they would put procedures and schedules in place, taking into account what was...
Proximo continue their fantastic charity work

Proximo continue their fantastic charity work

West Chester BID business Proximo have continued their charity work over the last few months despite the challenges posed by Coronavirus. They have donated clothing to Chester Aid to help the homeless during a critical and difficult time, with those less fortunate...